Posts Tagged “Gymnastics”

To say this was a crazy busy weekend would be an understatement. Here is an overview of what we went through. Déla and I got up and left the house about 7:40, a little later than we had hoped. We had to get downtown to the convention center where she was competing in the Emerald…

This batch of pictures is going to be kind of big. There are a number of shots from St. Patrick’s Day celebrations and performances, but not necessarily of Déla dancing, which is why I didn’t include them in the previous post. Case in point. Here is Ciarán who came along to one of Déla’s performances…

I know, I know…. It has been a few weeks, but not for want of things to post. I am going to start and end this post with two (short) videos. in between will be a big batch of pictures. Strap in. We’ll start off with our toddler in one of the favorite costumes, one…

This past Saturday was the championships for Dela’s gymnastics group. It is a pretty big deal because only two teams from her division were invited to the competition. I think there was something like 10 teams total from the three different branches of the Seattle Gymnastics Academy. While here other three events may not have been as…

I know it has been a couple of weeks. Life has been busy what with school winding down and summer ramping up. One of the things that happened was the big Tara Academy school wide end of year recital. Unfortunately none of the pictures turned out. None of them. I was so disappointed. At least…

It has been a bit of a whirlwind week what with St. Patrick’s Day celebrations and my dad coming in from Ireland. In my previous post I mentioned Déla performed last Friday for the senior center then came back to school for a couple of demonstrations. When she did, we ran into Ciárán and Xavier…

I have quite a bit this week, including a few videos, so let’s jump right into it. Here is Ciárán learning to dive during swim lessons last Friday: I love how there’s so much build-up then… Here is a sort of compilation of other stuff from the same swim lesson. First up is August and…

Yes, it is Halloween, and no, I don’t have any pictures of kids in costumes. Yet. That will be another post, probably tomorrow. Last Friday was decent day, weather-wise, and Xavier took advantage be tromping through the leaves on the way to school. Monday was one of the days for gymnastics signups for the winter session….

A packed week full of… well, let’s jump into it. Tevye is starting to sit up on his own now. He’s five and a half months old, has two teeth and smiles a heck of a lot. Saturday saw another gymnastic competition for Déla. This time I got some video. Here’s her vault routine which…

Last weekend was crazy busy. Let’s jump into it, shall we? Friday (after I had posted the week’s photos) saw the penultimate cross country event. The Pumpkin Run, where kids run the mile course with the last stretch of the course lined with pumpkins. After the run kids get to pick a pumpkin to take home…