Posts Tagged “I Hate Music”

There isn’t much to say about this song, really. From the first couple of opening notes, you know which songs this is. Something about the timing of the drums and tambourine stand out, almost arrhythmic, and it’s only during the bridge when the beat shifts to a standard timing that you understand what is “off”…

Here we are nearly 2 years into a pandemic and the feeling of things being “too much” is ever-present. That overwhelming feeling is the subject of George’s composition that would get used in the Yellow Submarine film and soundtrack (which is half an album, and while that’s the official release, I prefer The Yellow Submarine…

One of the earlier Beatles songs, appearing on their debut album, reportedly Lennon started out by attempting a Mowtown style song. The Beach Boys would hear this song, and respond a few months later with “In My Room” bith both songs being a bit introspective, the latter seems to get more attention at this point…

Just another Number 1 hit for the band, they were tossing them out at a rapid pace during the stretch of 1963-64. The band never played it live, with John especially feeling it was beneath them. Thing is, it wasn’t. While the subject matter may be trite (“Oooh I need your love, babe, eight days…

“What Goes On?” appeared on 1965’s Rubber Soul, sung by Ringo, but was initially written in 1963 and was going to possibly be recorded and included on the album With The Beatles or as possibly a B-side during that era. Mostly written by Paul, with heavy contributions by John, it also does include a small…
Taken from the album Hard Day’s Night, written for but not used in the film, the song is largely forgettable in the overall pantheon of Beatles tunes. It closes the album, a bit of a downbeat number, sort of a lamentation, something John did well, especially during this period. While it doesn’t stand out among…

Like most ardent Beatles fans I was chomping at the bit to watch the Get Back documentary on Disney+. Having watched the original film documentary of Let It Be I can understand the desire to revisit the material and attempt to tell a more complete overview of the events of January 1969. I don’t want…

This was, of course, the big album that changed everything for Queen. Bolstered by the success of Sheer Heart Attack, but frustrated with the lack of monetary compensation (the band was broke) Queen successfully negotiated their way into new management, a new contract, then headed into the studio to make the best album they could….

After Queen II was released the band went on tour again, and unfortunately their trip was cut short as Brian May fell ill. That afforded Queen the opportunity to write songs and get back into the studio. Sheer Heart Attack, Queen’s third album, was the band’s second release of 1974. Much of the album has…

Songs from the bands early days, pre-Queen even, were constantly being worked on and when it came time to work on the band’s sophomore album some of those found their way into the recording studio. Certain ones, such as “Seven Seas Of Rhye” were completely redone from the first album, or perhaps, finished, for this…