Posts Tagged “I Hate Music”
“I’d like to know about how you instill your love of music into the kids.” That was a question recently posed on my query looking for more topics to post about. Short answer? I don’t. Slightly longer answer? I just play music I like. Alright, so the long answer is the rest of the post….
Remember a while ago when I mentioned I had solicited ideas for blog posts on Facebook – well, here is one that I had not gotten around to yet – “Your guilty pleasures. The g rated ones that is….” and another was “What’s in the back of your closet” which seems weird, and perhaps it…

I had previously mentioned that Queen was my “artist of the year” a couple of years ago, but I only gave the band cursory attention. Since collecting the band’s albums on reissued CD recently I have been listening to Queen a lot over the last few years, and as a result I now feel better…

It is time for my annual Beatles Week, a celebration of the band as well as a way to keep blogging as well as part of my ongoing analysis of The Beatles. I missed last year because of dad’s sudden hospital admission and death. Other than that instance, every year I have been able to…
I was reminded of a version of this holiday classic this morning at spin class. We might all be familiar with the original, and we should be, by Chuck Berry. It’s a fantastic tune that works not only as a Christmas tune, but also a great example of early rock and roll. The song “Rudolph…
Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but “Last Christmas” is probably the worst Christmas song. Perhaps even worse that “Baby It’s Cold outside” which is saying something. Let’s look at the lyrics. I’m not even going to examine the music, which is serviceable, if just barely and over-produced. The first line is alright, I mean,…
Last week at spin class the instructor, among other songs, one by Paula Abdul. I had kind of forgotten about her. When she came out with her first single in 1988 nobody, not even me, paid much attention. It wasn’t until “Straight Up” (the song at spin class) that her popularity increased, and greatly. A…

After getting dropped by Warner Brothers, Devo then would sign with Enigma, a much smaller record label, which at the time was focusing on alternative and punk music (though it didn’t limit itself to those genres). Devo was one of the bigger acts in the label’s catalog, which should have been good all around, but…

I have discussed this band a lot over the years and wasn’t going to say anything else but a new wrinkle in my relationship with the band came up and I had to post about it. First up is the new album, the band’s first in 7 years. While We’re At It is a great…

Lately I have been going through and cleaning up my MP3 files. Some of them have no band associated with them for some reason, or simply track numbers and no title. I was getting to my folder of Beatles music and decided to further split my collection into separate categories – by renaming the band…