Posts Tagged “In The Stands”

Here are a few things from the end of May and June that didn’t get posted yet. Towards the end of the school year the 5th grade does “Colonial Day” where the whole class dresses up according to their job. Here is Ciarran, thrilled I am taking his picture. The hat I purchased while on…

I have a bunch of stuff to post, but want to get these up first. As we all know June is the end of the school year. It also happens to be the end of the year for dance, and there was the recital. This year, however, was different because we have not just one…

It is May, but these pictures are all from April. Yes, I am still behind and getting caught up. Buckle up because this is going to be it for April, and it’s not a small update. I was able to make it to one of August’s track meets, getting there literally just in time for…

Here are the rest of the pictures I’m going to be posting from last month. I have already covered St. Patrick’s Day fairly well, so none of those pictures will be here. A while ago I posted a couple of pictures from Déla’s turn as the title character in Peter Pan. Uncle Bill and Aunt…

One morning when I went to get Grace up she was wearing a tutu that she somehow managed to get and put on. Remember it, because it will come up again. And again.It’s been nearly two weeks and she refuses to stop wearing it, day or night. Changing subjects, here is Déla with the “Most…

It’s been a while and in a way I’m still playing “catch-up” with some of these, alright, many of these, but this is it. There are even pictures from this week included! Let’s start off with a bit of a continuation of Halloween. Where the kids do swim lessons annually toss in some pumpkins, usually the weekend before…

After Cub Scout resident camp there was a bit of activity in the month of July before we went on vacation to Victoria, B.C. (which will be another blog post coming soon, I promise). One of the things that happened in July was Déla attending a feis, and there are no good pictures from that,…

It was a busy week, the first with the kids out of school, but most of the activities in this installment happened over the weekend. First up was Xavier’s final game of the season. Then there was the crossing-over ceremony. Instead of a Blue & Gold banquet in February, which is when a number of…

The last couple of weeks have been busy, as you might expect a family with 7 kids would be. Xavier continues with his baseball season, birthday season is in full swing, and a lot more going on – much of which just doesn’t get documented. Let’s start with Grace who loves putting other people’s shoes…