Posts Tagged “In The Stands”

I mentioned there haven’t been any posts because I’ve been busy, right? Let’s take a look at what has been going on. We start off with a couple shots of what my day typically consist of – such as Tevye doing some “work” in the mornings. Later he takes an order of what people want for…

I am sure the 12 regular readers of my blog have been wondering where I’ve been and why there hasn’t been any posts in over two weeks. There was a full week I was completely offline, which was nice, but that’s not even half of the story – especially considering the amount of time since this…

Last weekend Dela competed in the 2017 Emerald City Feis, the local Irish dance competition that is coincidentally hosted by the school she attends. The call goes out every year for volunteers and every year I never find the time. This year, however, I managed to help set up the stages, which is a lot…

It has been a crazy couple of weeks since the last installment. So much going on I have barely had time to capture any of it. Let’s start with Tevye in the backyard plowing bubbles because… Spring! And here’s the same kid one morning refusing to get out of his pajamas (completely) and wanting to…

Strap in, this is going to be a big one. The first seven pictures should have been included with my previous installment. Or at the very least, a “part 2”. Here are Xavier and Tevye working on a robot. The annual Boy Scout Italian Dinner was a big success and both Ciaran and August helped…

I know it’s been over a month. I should write a post about the issues I have had with getting a new phone then attempting to connect it to my computer. But I won’t. Let’s catch up, shall we? Here is Tevye after finding some of the super hero dress up items. Well, somebody is eating…

There was a tweet in my timeline about how 20 years ago today ground was broken on what would become Safeco Field. One of the things that always bothered me about the new stadium was its name. At the time I did not realize companies pay a lot of money to have their names on stadiums….

It’s been a busy couple of weeks. I’m not going to post pictures from Halloween or some of the other events that I posted since the last one. Tevye has discovered the joys of playing in a laundry basket. Xavier and Grace enjoying a quiet moment after dinner. The cross country championships finally happened and…

October has been…. busy. Difficult. A blur. Something. Grace is 2 months old. She is sleeping. This, more than anything, is what keeps everything from falling apart. No, she’s not sleeping all the way through the night, but but close enough to it for us to get hours of consecutive sleep each night. – –…

It has been two weeks, I know, but things have been pretty crazy around the house. Xavier has been home almost all of this week sick (today he is finally feeling better and his temp dropped below 100) so it’s not like we haven’t been around, it’s just… been busy parenting instead of documenting. But…