Posts Tagged “Irish Dance”

It’s been a while and in a way I’m still playing “catch-up” with some of these, alright, many of these, but this is it. There are even pictures from this week included! Let’s start off with a bit of a continuation of Halloween. Where the kids do swim lessons annually toss in some pumpkins, usually the weekend before…

This was the first year that Déla was able to participate in the annual Western U.S. Oireachtas (pronounced “or-ok-tus”) where there are individual competitors, but the big draw and major focus of the event is the schools themselves compete in teams. We came down Thursday evening, meaning she would miss Friday of school to compete….
Today is stressful. Déla and I leave town tonight, headed to Portland. This means she will be missing a day of school tomorrow, but the reason is she participating in the Western U.S. Region Oireachtas, an annual dance competition that is a bit of a big deal. She is participating in two team dances and…

After Cub Scout resident camp there was a bit of activity in the month of July before we went on vacation to Victoria, B.C. (which will be another blog post coming soon, I promise). One of the things that happened in July was Déla attending a feis, and there are no good pictures from that,…

So much happened over the last few months, we were so busy I didn’t have much time to work on this blog as you can tell from the lack of posts. Let me catch you up on some of the highlights since June. You might remember the last post just before my unplanned hiatus included, among…

It’s been only one week. And I’m getting this posted on Friday!! Last week I mentioned how the kids were on spring break and we hit a couple of places, including the zoo, but I was going to have those pictures this week. Here they are, starting with Ciárán and Xavier chilling in the penguin…

I really had planned on not having such a break between the previous picture oriented post and this one, but as you know, life often gets in the way. As such I am posting this on a Saturday. Oops. Sorry, Sunday. I promised more pictures of Déla in her role as Minstrel in her school’s…

This is what happens when you don’t take too long between these posts. I don’t have a lot to share. Well, in a way, I do. Thing is, it has been a big week for Déla. Here she is getting a first place trophy for her Slip Jig. Then, out of the blue, she was…

Alright, so it’s been a couple of months, and I’ve addressed part of that earlier this week. Let’s just jump into the pictures and catch up on things. We’re going to start off with a picture of Grace, smiling as usual. Tevye attended his first birthday party back in December. It was at a bouncy…