Posts Tagged “Irish Dance”
The “best laid plans” and all that. This summer has been so ridiculously busy, and you can tell partly because I haven’t updated much. If you follow me on Facebook you have *some* idea of what has been going on, but let’s head back a few months to when school got out. Yes, it’s been…
Last weekend Dela competed in the 2017 Emerald City Feis, the local Irish dance competition that is coincidentally hosted by the school she attends. The call goes out every year for volunteers and every year I never find the time. This year, however, I managed to help set up the stages, which is a lot…
Strap in, this is going to be a big one. The first seven pictures should have been included with my previous installment. Or at the very least, a “part 2”. Here are Xavier and Tevye working on a robot. The annual Boy Scout Italian Dinner was a big success and both Ciaran and August helped…
I know it’s been over a month. I should write a post about the issues I have had with getting a new phone then attempting to connect it to my computer. But I won’t. Let’s catch up, shall we? Here is Tevye after finding some of the super hero dress up items. Well, somebody is eating…
It’s been a month? Jeez, for what is supposed to be a weekly posting I sure have been lax. Having a new baby is no excuse… Let’s get to it. There was another dance competition this summer. This was across Lake Washington in Bellevue and would be Dela’s first feis (pronounced “fesh”) outside of the…
This past weekend Déla competed in the 2016 Emerald City Feis. This annual competition is just one of many held around the country, but the only one held here in Seattle. She competed in several dances, with the first one at 8:30 in the morning, the first dance of the day. Only problem was, we…
To say this was a crazy busy weekend would be an understatement. Here is an overview of what we went through. Déla and I got up and left the house about 7:40, a little later than we had hoped. We had to get downtown to the convention center where she was competing in the Emerald…
A lot has been going the last couple of weeks. unfortunately there are events where I couldn’t get a good picture or things were so busy I simply didn’t get to take one. Here is what I did manage to get. One night was Sounder’s night for the youth group, so I was able to…
This batch of pictures is going to be kind of big. There are a number of shots from St. Patrick’s Day celebrations and performances, but not necessarily of Déla dancing, which is why I didn’t include them in the previous post. Case in point. Here is Ciarán who came along to one of Déla’s performances…