Posts Tagged “Janet Jackson”
Last week at spin class the instructor, among other songs, one by Paula Abdul. I had kind of forgotten about her. When she came out with her first single in 1988 nobody, not even me, paid much attention. It wasn’t until “Straight Up” (the song at spin class) that her popularity increased, and greatly. A…
I have mentioned before that I do spin classes. I have also mentioned before that I don’t particularly enjoy them. It’s not the instructor’s fault, or any problem with the studio. It really is my own disposition, along with the disagreement my body seems to have with the process. One of the things that I…

This morning’s spin class was a themed ride, and I was going to be going regardless, but this certainly seemed like a fun theme that I was looking forward to. The set list started out with The Pointer Sisters “I’m So Excited” and it was a solid selection to kick things off. “It’s Raining Men”…