Posts Tagged “Jurassic Park”

November’s Geek Fuel box was a good one. It started with the shirt, which is a great reference to Jurassic Park. It looks like a great travel poster. Then the Star Wars AT-ACT model kit is something that we would never buy, but is certainly welcome and should be fun to put together. The gift…

We all want to be the hero. In one way or another, each and every one of us would love to swoop in and save the day. It can even be as simple as pointing out to somebody they need to zip up the fly on their pants before going in to a big presentation…

After last month’s box, August’s first, had been such a success, I knew the next one wouldn’t be as much of a hit, though he would certainly enjoy it. The question was this month, to what degree would he like the stuff included. This month’s theme seemed to be 90s, starting with the t-shirt. Apparently…