Posts Tagged “Millennium Falcon”
You know what I hate about loaning out my van? We have the 12 seater passenger van, the Millennium Falcon, which we purchased a few kids ago as we were outgrowing the minivan and could fit the kids we had but none of their friends. Add to that the fact we were staring down the…

Not a lot today. Dela had a massive dance recital as well as a gymnastics meet but none of those pictures turned out. Ciaran and Xavier both ended their baseball and t-ball seasons and the pictures of those didn’t turn out usable as well. Here are the pictures that did turn out. August and I…

Last week at Boy Scout camp I missed the staff’s production of Frozen while I was back home for a couple of days. August apparently loved it, as it was a very lose adaptation that freely borrowed from other movies and storytelling elements. Kind of a half-parody/half-homage to the film. I heard all about it…

This was the last Webelos event August would be participating in. By spending the night here he earns his Arrow Of Light badge, which is a distinguished honor he can wear as a Boy Scout. Next month he participates in the crossing over ceremony and will officially be a Boy Scout. But first, to earn…

I got a phone call from Kyle Friday afternoon. He was out looking at places to rent, trying to move out from our house. It’s been just about a year and a half since he moved back in with us, and it took him almost a full year to start steady employment. The good news…
This morning was a bit crazy. The scenario: Laura leaves every day about 6:45 in the morning for work. That leaves me with August (10), Déla (8), Ciárán (6) and Xavier (3) and I have to get them ready for (and to) school by 8:20 when school begins. I say this not as a “woe…
I was in the Millennium Falcon the other day, driving the kids from one place or another. I forget what it was. Immaterial to the story. So I’ve got the radio on and the opening guitar strains to “Jessie’s Girl” by Rick Springfield comes on. I turn up the music. It’s a warm summer day….
I am stealing this idea directly from Chris Read (Canadian Dad) and while it wasn’t an original idea of his, it was because of his post that I’m creating this one. Top 5 Driving Songs His were summer specific but I’ve got no qualms about driving with the same music in the summer or winter….

I drove Kyle to the airport this morning. It was the end of his Christmas break from Gonzaga University, and time for him to return. It was tough saying goodbye to him, as it was perhaps the best visit we have had with him in a very long time. Much of what made this…

This is the fifth is a series of posts looking at our less than 3 days of vacation this summer. After Xavier woke from his nap (see previous entry) we decided to check out the Cape Disappointment Lighthouse. First, however, there was a detour. While Xavier was sleeping in the Millennium Falcon, Laura…