Posts Tagged “misc dvd”

I thought “Yeah, this will be a fun movie that doesn’t take itself too seriously. Obviously if Mr. Hasselhoff is down with the idea of playing a version of himself where he deserves to be killed it should be funny.” For the most part my initial thoughts were correct. David Hasselhoff plays a fictional version…

Did you know Focus Features is celebrating 15 years? As part of the company’s celebration it will be streaming films on Facebook over the next three Friday nights. You can visit to watch the films starting at 6pm PDT. Friday, August 25th: The Motorcycle Diaries (2004)won the Academy Award for Best Original Song (“Al Otro Lado del…

I had wanted to see Storks when it was in theaters a few months ago. I don’t remember hearing much about it before it was about to be released, and then it was gone almost as quickly. Apparently it made a decent enough amount of money, so why didn’t I hear much more about this?…

The Finest Hours is a dramatization of a real event chronicles in the book The Finest Hours: he True Story Of The U.S. Coast Guard’s Most Daring Sea Rescue. The events of the book, which I haven’t read, chronicle the 1952 Coast Guard rescue of the tanker SS Pendleton during a massive storm. I can’t vouch…

Ole Lund Kirkegaard was a Danish author of children’s books. He died in 1979 but many of his books are still highly regarded. One of his more famous creations, Albert, has been adapted into an animated film which Shout Factory is bringing to North America on DVD. Albert Up, Up And Away! tells the story of…

Alright, so the title may be a bit misleading, and I’m sure somebody has already written or can write about this topic more eloquently and with better research than myself, but hear me out. This has been bothering me for a while. Diversity within the super hero cinematic universe has been pretty scant. For purposes…

Many a series has debuted only to find an audience lacking. With low ratings far too often a series would get canceled before being allowed time to develop and find an audience. Other times a series would just be too expensive to continue being produced. This is the case with the original “Battlestar Galactica” (which…

Oh man, that’s Dale Arden!! Alright, so that’s probably not the first reaction Shout Factory wants viewers to have when watching their DVD offering of “Manimal” but I was surprised to see Melody Anderson from the 1980 Flash Gordon film and remake that connection after all these years. Here she stars as Detective McKenzie, a…

The worst things about this Blu-ray is the cover art. It’s horrible. Thankfully Shout Factory usually includes reversible sleeves. I tossed the cardboard outer sleeve and underneath the plastic of the Blu-ray case I turned the paper insert around and now have artwork that more closely resembles the original theatrical poster on display. I mean,…

My kids were not expecting to enjoy Home as much as they did. My opinion doesn’t really matter much, I’m not the target audience, they are. Ranging in ages from 5 to 12 there are four kids who enjoyed the film and would even watch it again, which is saying something considering they all reluctantly…