Posts Tagged “Munchkin”
Another large batch of pictures to go over for the last week. At the beginning of this period, Friday of last week, the weather was still ridiculously hot. Here is Xavier and Dela enjoying what was at this point a daily Slurpee run. August, Ciaran and myself celebrated our nation’s indipendance by backstabbing each other…
This last Saturday was Free Comic Book Day. My son August was able to hit a few of the comic shops last year with a friend of his and it was his first time attending this event. He loved it and couldn’t wait for this year’s event to roll around. I am so glad that…
It has been a bit of a whirlwind week what with St. Patrick’s Day celebrations and my dad coming in from Ireland. In my previous post I mentioned Déla performed last Friday for the senior center then came back to school for a couple of demonstrations. When she did, we ran into Ciárán and Xavier…
“Matchbox” was originally written and performed by Carl Perkins, somebody The Beatles, and particularly George, admired. Over the course of their career The Beatles would perform a number of covers by other artists, but Carl Perkins ties for the artist they recorded and released the most – three songs. Here Tell Me Why says it sounds “as…
Tell Me Why casts Georges vocal delivery of this cover is a less than flattering light, as if the background singers (John & Paul) are scolding him and George is losing the argument. “Devil In Her Heart” was released on the With The Beatles album, and was originally a song performed by a girl group…
It’s no secret how much my family loves Munchkin. Castle Panic was a game I had heard a lot about and wanted to bring it into the house. When we heard Fireside Games was going to be making a Munchkin Panic game we were excited. This seemed like a great excuse to pick up a copy…
If you have been following me on Twitter you know how much we love Munchkin in my house. Heck I’ve even done a blog post with all the variations we have (which is already out of date since I’ve ordered more expansions). So when Munchkin Treasure Hunt was announced I was excited. My kids were excited….
We love Munchkin in this family. If we could we just might play it every other day. As it is I use it as an incentive to get August and Dela to stop fighting and get ready for school in the morning. And it’s working pretty well. Most days. There are so many varieties and…