Posts Tagged “NaBloPoMo 2018”
With 2018’s National Blog Post Month behind me I wanted to give a little reflection on it, my feelings about how I performed. While technically I did manage to get in 31 posts the month of November I am not feeling great about the accomplishment. Yes, I know November has only 30 days, I am…

Our council hosts Cub Day At Camp a couple of weekends in the fall, with the weekend before Halloween having a theme. Can you guess what it is? After our rounds of BB guns we headed to the archery range. Archery is perhaps Xavier’s favorite Cub Scout activity. On the way there were leaves on…

Here is the second of two parts of my catch-up series for this school year. A number of abbreviated postings glossing over what has happened so far, trying to simply get caught up and not three months behind. Here is Xavier during one of the cross country meets. Ciáran had a bit of improvement over…

While I posted the first day of school pictures, I have been lax with pretty much everything since, including both cross country and soccer seasons. I have a couple of posts to get an overview of how things have been going. Here is Grace having a snack in the middle of the kitchen. Note the…

This is going to be it, the final entry in my “catch-up” series for the summer. Then it is on to the beginning of the current school year. Grace turned two years old over the summer. While she may not have completely grasped the concepts, she did enjoy herself. And who doesn’t love presents?…

Still playing catch up with things that happened over the summer. Here is the August entry of the Geek Fuel subscription box. The salt and pepper shakers. The game. August really likes the shirt. This replaced the Wolverine one on his wall. He loves the socks. This is hanging up in the Millennium Falcon. This…

I am just going to post a few pictures from this summer’s trip to Boy Scout Camp. Part of the reason has to do with the fact I was acting Scoutmaster, busy keeping track of everybody (for the most part, there were many times I didn’t know where my two boys were). The other reason…

There are two things I want to put down as a reminder of where Grace is developmentally right now. She is two and not quite a half years old and talking up a storm, getting into everything and probably has the worst temper of all of our kids. But that’s not what I want to…

On the journey to Victoria we took the ferry from Anacortes to Sidney. The trip home offered another path, starting from Victoria to Port Angeles. It was a bit of fun with a larger ferry. We even saw a whale off in the distance. After disembarking in Port Angeles we pick up some lunch. The…