Posts Tagged “Parenting As Child Exploitation”
Last night we made it to the Sounders match against the Los Angeles Galaxy. It was our first professional sports event this year. Despite having signed up for the Mariners Kids’ Club early, we never made it to a game. I have some thoughts on that which I hope to put down shortly. Focusing on…
First, a random shot of Xavier as he is wearing August’s jacket. We were rushing to get out the house to pick up August, Déla and Ciárán from school and couldn’t immediately find his. Then we come to the weekend and Xavier and August went with me to the store. Both Xavier and August wanted…
Plenty has happened in the last week, not the least of which was Xavier staying home for 3 days from preschool due to his being sick. Here are a few of the other highlights from the past week. Friday was the Cross Country Pumpkin Run, an event that is supposed to come at the end…
Yesterday as we were in the throes of our morning routine, there’s myself, Laura and our 3 year old Xavier in the kitchen. I took off my sweatshirt, and as it tends to happen with that garment, my T-shirt rode up as well. Xavier said “Ewww! I can see your body. Gross. You have hair.” Laura…
Sometimes it is the little things that can get your through the day as a parent. That extra cup of coffee in the morning. When your toddler suddenly takes a solid nap in the afternoon. Mail that arrives free of any bills. Dinner where the food was all cooked “just right” and tastes great. Find…
Sunday was the “Ribbon Run” for cross country, but only for the younger grades (K-3). August (Grade 4) will run next Sunday in the championship race for the upper grades (4-8). Here are Ciárán and Déla suited up and ready to run. I was able to be in a position to…
Laura had the first ultrasound for our next child. According to all the information we have (an exact science using size of fetus, date of last menstrual cycle, “reading” chicken bones, and some phrases uttered in Aramaic) the baby is due April 27. This means, if history is any indication, we’re going to have our…
For years we have been saying we would go. BrickCon is a LEGO convention held annual in Seattle and August has wanted to go ever since he became aware of it something like 5 years ago. Because of other commitments we were unable to stay more than a couple of hours. It was enough to…
I know it’s late. I’m going to post this entry that should have been posted on the 4th, and this coming Friday I’ll have another entry. I’ve been sick and not getting much sleep, been busy with … stuff. Nothing important, really. On with the pictures. On Sunday the 29th of September the kids had…