Posts Tagged “Personal Animal Encounters”

It’s been a while, I know, so here is a few random pictures from the last couple of years. Just before Thanksgiving Déla and I traveled to Arizona and they got to dance in the western U.S. regional competition. I mentioned this and posted a different picture a few days ago. Here is a very…

Nature has many lessons for us. Take for instance the lesson we learned on our family vacation to Yellowstone National Park a couple of years ago. For this story, it is important to know what a pika is – a small mammal, larger than a mouse but is a species related closer to a rabbit….

It is May, but these pictures are all from April. Yes, I am still behind and getting caught up. Buckle up because this is going to be it for April, and it’s not a small update. I was able to make it to one of August’s track meets, getting there literally just in time for…

I know it’s been a while. I’m not even going to bother with why. Let’s just get into it. Let’s start with Grace enjoying a nice bubble bath. Next we have Dela doing her family history project. Not in the picture here are a number of other props that are behind Dela or just out…

Here is the second of two parts of my catch-up series for this school year. A number of abbreviated postings glossing over what has happened so far, trying to simply get caught up and not three months behind. Here is Xavier during one of the cross country meets. Ciáran had a bit of improvement over…

While I posted the first day of school pictures, I have been lax with pretty much everything since, including both cross country and soccer seasons. I have a couple of posts to get an overview of how things have been going. Here is Grace having a snack in the middle of the kitchen. Note the…

There is a petting zoo in the middle of Victoria. Did you know this? We didn’t. Alright, so it’s not a full petting zoo, it’s like a family farm exhibit. There were a number of animals to check out. But yes, there was some stuff to touch. Tevye and Grace really enjoyed interacting with the…

If you ever spend some time on Vancouver Island, you really should go check out some of the natural wonders the island has to offer. There is a lot of majestic beauty just a short drive away from Victoria. Case in point is Port Renfrew. This is apparently a popular spot as we almost didn’t…

When spending any significant time on Vancouver Island one should absolutely carve out at least half day for Butchart Gardens. Somehow we accidentally got split into three separate groups. There was Laura with August and Tevye, Marianne with Xavier and Déla, and myself with Ciáran and Grace. There were a few items new to the…

I probably should have put these next two pictures in with the previous Vancouver Island post, but here they are. After visiting the Royal B.C. Museum we went through Chinatown. That includes Fan Tan Alley, an interesting flea market style collection of shops. The next day was my birthday, and we went whale watching, though…