Posts Tagged “Personal Animal Encounters”

Yes, it has been a couple of weeks, I know. And I don’t even have pictures of each of the kids to make up for it. Here is Ciaran getting a little recognition for attending Cub Scout Winter Camp. Last week I took Xavier and Tevye to the zoo one morning. I keep meaning to…

A heck of a week. It started with Catholic Schools Week which is essentially an “open house” for the school on Sunday. I had planned on getting pictures of all the kids in their various classrooms but an active Tevye prevented that. I was able to get one of them all together at the preschool….

Yesterday during out regularly scheduled D&D session we had a bit of an animal encounter that we will certainly remember for quite some time. During our lunch break I heard a “thunk” against the back windows. I turned and saw a few feathers floating down. I went to the window to look in the back…

We are currently out of town on vacation. I’ll be posting something about both our summer vacations later on, but here are some of the hilghlights from this week. And yes, a couple off these were posted to Facebook, so they may be familiar to a couple of you. First off we have my birthday…

Yesterday I decided to take the kids downtown. Laura is on the other side of the country with our good friend Marianne whose mother dies. That leaves me home alone with the five young kids. Rather than simply sit around the house all day I solicited ideas of what to do. Going to the aquarium…

A couple of milestones this week. The Cub Scouts ended their year with a crossing over ceremony. This is done usually to commemorate the WEBELO scouts moving up to BOy Scouts, but this year all the dens got in on the action, starting off with the Tiger Cubs, which meant Ciaran was one of the…

Yes, I’m still behind and I’m going to pack in as much as I can here and try to finally get caught up. I do have to admit this is a better position to be in than having nothing to post. First off you may remember a few weeks ago August got first place within…

My kids had last Friday off from school. Instead of a “mid-winter” break they had a 4 day weekend. The following Monday was off, but booked up with an orthodontist appointment (another post coming about that) but what was I going to do about Friday? We went to the Seattle Aquarium. This used to be…

Monday was a day off from school, and as Xavier had been asking for a while, I figured it would be as good a day as any to go to the zoo. Thankfully the weather cooperated and while a little chilly at least it wasn’t raining, which is pretty good for Seattle. After the penguins,…