Posts Tagged “ramones”

Since he doesn’t blog anymore it was through his Facebook status update I was made aware of this idea. Here is the introduction as I initially saw it posted: Rules of the Game: Copy this and post as your status update. List 12 albums that made a lasting impression on you, but only 1 per…

While this isn’t one of the best Ramones songs, it is arguably their best video. Released as a single in 1986 the video, and to a lesser extent the song itself, pokes fun at the plethora of various musical charity singles and concerts of the era. While it is amusing today, back then “Something To…

Last week I presented a list of 10 albums that are great for intruducing younger listeners to rock and roll, a sort of gateway to broader musical horizons. Now I present a list of the greatest albums that have shaped rock and roll over the last 60 or so years. 1. The Beatles Please Please…

I am stealing this idea from another blog. The idea, at least according to the title, is “Top 10 Albums To Introduce Your Kids To” – and looking at that list I thought it was lacking. Heck, all the albums were from the same decade, and the variety was negligible. Further down in the comments…

It took me long enough to pick up the soundtrack to Rock And Roll High School on CD. I had the cassette which has since been lost (most likely stolen by a roommate years ago) and still have a copy of the album on vinyl (which is tucked away in a special place for a different…

Too Tough To Die is my favorite Ramones album, but I know it is not the band’s best. Many could argue Road To Ruin or Ramones but on most lists Rocket To Russia is considered the best album by The Ramones – an assessment I agree with. But that is an objective view, and subjectively,…
The third and fourth time I saw The Ramones were not as extraordinary as the first two (each deserving of their own entries). September 3, 1995, at the Bumbershoot festival was the third time I saw the band. It was mostly unremarkable, a “standard” set by the band in a festival setting. It was good to…

There is so much to say about this band. To say it changed my life is an understatement. I had only been marginally aware of the band before, but in the spring and summer of 1987 I had a sort of awakening. My best friend at the time was turning me on to all sorts…

When I was in the Army (shocking revelation to many) from 1985 – 1989 I spent most of that period stationed in the Monterey Bay area. There were a couple of record stores I would frequent in these musically formative years, but perhaps none other as influential as Lighthouse Records. On Lighthouse Avenue, the main…