Posts Tagged “Scouting”

Just a few shots this time around, but I promise they are worth it. First up we have Xavier in one of the last soccer games of the season. He did really well and has some natural athletic ability. Not sure where that comes from. Here is Déla and the man behind the song we…

It was recently announced that Boy Scouts of America would accept girls into the Cub Scout program starting with the 2018 program year (essentially the beginning of the school year). Additionally, for older girls, they will now have an opportunity to earn the highest achievement in Boy Scouts – attaining the rank of Eagle Scout….

Even though it was a busy week I don’t have a heck of a lot to share for some reason. Let’s start off with last week’s swim lesson. That’s Ciaran giving Tevye a piggyback ride in the pool before the lessons started. There was the first grade soccer game – and it was so mismatched…

It’s been a good week. Here’s what has been going on. First, let’s start with swim lesson, which Tevye really enjoys. And yes, that is a rubber duckie on his head. Earlier this week I talked (partly) about how long of a day Sunday was. Here are a few more pictures from that day, starting…

Sunday started out like any other day. No, that’s a lie. Laura and I knew going into Saturday night that Sunday was going to be a long slog. And it was. Waking up Sunday morning at 6, the plan was to load the van with all the stuff being stored at my house, take a…

Just a few pictures this time around. I know it’s not a great excuse, but I’ve just been so busy I have actually forgotten to take many pictures. Xavier is doing 1st grade soccer. They practice on a field that is attached to a park. Their school does not have a field. That park comes…

Yes, this is well after the fact, I know, but I still want to post about this, brief though it may be. This year was Ciaran’s first year attending the event, and we took the opportunity to check off a few requirements, such as sleeping in a tent the Cub Scout helped set up, cook…

Yes, this post is coming months after the fact, but I still want to get it posted, so here it is. Back in May the Cub Scouts took a trip to Northwest Trek. A couple of requirements for different levels of Cub Scouts involve observing animals and hiking. This outing took care of these, at…

The “best laid plans” and all that. This summer has been so ridiculously busy, and you can tell partly because I haven’t updated much. If you follow me on Facebook you have *some* idea of what has been going on, but let’s head back a few months to when school got out. Yes, it’s been…