Posts Tagged “Scouting”

Yes, it has been two weeks. You try doing regular updates with a toddler and a month old. By the way, here is the toddler acting and dressing as fabulous as he is. We made it to one more Mariners game this year. Cotton candy was had, with Ciaran none too happy I was taking…

For those unfamiliar Cub Scouts is organized by grade. Tiger Cubs is the program for 1st graders, Wolf for 2nd, Bear for 3rd with 4th and 5th graders being WEBELO Scouts. You have all school year to work on projects, do activities and earn the rank specific to your grade, though it is not required…

It has been a busy time over the last couple of weeks since posting one of these. Let’s take a look at what has been going on. I went to the annual 2016 Penny Arcade Expo and was able to take the kids. I showed you a picture of Xavier last time, so here are…

It’s been a month? Jeez, for what is supposed to be a weekly posting I sure have been lax. Having a new baby is no excuse… Let’s get to it. There was another dance competition this summer. This was across Lake Washington in Bellevue and would be Dela’s first feis (pronounced “fesh”) outside of the…

The summer of scouting continues – first there was Cub Scout Day Camp then Cub Scout Resident Camp. I mentioned I had to leave early because I would be transporting the Boy Scouts up to their resident camp. Leaving with a van full of teen boys int he van I was thankful the camp was…

This year was the first year I was able to take one of the boys to Cub Scout resident camp. It was only a couple of days, but it was ridiculously fun. And it wasn’t the only camp this summer. As I documented earlier I volunteered at this year’s Cub Scout Day Camp which Ciárán…

Welcome to the “all Ciárán” edition. Sometimes he gets overlooked or passed over, not intentionally, but it happens. This week is not the case. It was his birthday a little earlier this month. He was happy to once again be having his birthday at home instead of while on vacation. A couple of days after…

No “last day of school” pictures from me. I do pictures on the first day and I figure that’s good enough. Besides, I’m snapping pictures of the kids all the time. At least, I’m trying to. A couple of weeks ago one of the boys in August’s Boy Scout troop was working on his Eagle…

We are a week into summer vacation and I feel as if I have already lost the battle. Maybe those are not the correct words to use, but that is how I feel. Battle-weary. Last Tuesday was the last day, a short day, and it went well enough. The following morning I had to get…

August and I had attended the Aurora District Boy Scout Camporee the previous two years as a WEBELO, and now that he has crossed over into Boy Scouts we were both looking forward to how this new status would affect our experience. The Boy Scout troop August joined was fed into directly from the Cub…