Posts Tagged “Scouting”

Another week and another entry that is coming in a little late. This time by only one day. Last week was all about Ciárán ‘s birthday, and this week was (almost) all about him being at Cub Scout day camp which I volunteered at. The week started out hot, so we got Slurpees. Ciárán used…

A couple of milestones this week. The Cub Scouts ended their year with a crossing over ceremony. This is done usually to commemorate the WEBELO scouts moving up to BOy Scouts, but this year all the dens got in on the action, starting off with the Tiger Cubs, which meant Ciaran was one of the…

This was the last Webelos event August would be participating in. By spending the night here he earns his Arrow Of Light badge, which is a distinguished honor he can wear as a Boy Scout. Next month he participates in the crossing over ceremony and will officially be a Boy Scout. But first, to earn…

Previously we had Tevye’s first birthday. Here was have both August and Xavier celebrating birthdays! May certainly is a busy month. I will share pictures from Xavier’s birthday, which was Friday, next week. Until then, let’s look at some other pictures! (And yes, this is going up on Sunday, not Friday, because Friday was crazy busy getting ready…

Last Saturday was crazy busy. Dela had the Emerald City Feis (Irish dance competition) and August and Ciaran had their Cub Scout pinewood derby – at the same time. Let’s begin with Dela. Unfortunately since I had August and Ciaran (and Xavier and Tevye) this meant Laura was trying to take pictures and video of…

I know…. it’s been a couple of weeks. Things have been busy, of course. Let’s start off with Easter. I already told you the story behind this travesty. The week following Easter was Spring Break for the kids, but not Laura. While the kids were off and on not doing well the weather was nice…
What is it with Cub Scouts and the fire station? Well, it is a fairly easy and accessible outing for the youngsters to learn about the world around them. Recently Ciárán’s den visited our local fire station. Because Laura was working late I wound up having to take everybody, which worked out fine, thankfully

There’s a lot to recap in pictures this week. Let’s jump right in. Last Friday Kyle came over for a little while in the afternoon. We were all happy to see him, and seems to be doing well. Later that day Ciaran’s Cub Scout den visited the local fire station. I should have that post…

This past weekend I took August and Ciaran to Cub Scout Winter Camp. It would be August’s last time and Ciaran’s first. The first year we went there was lots of snow. The second year there was lots of rain. This year it started out raining but cleared up nicely. As is tradition now, we…