Posts Tagged “Scouting”

It’s been a couple of weeks, I know, but I haven’t taken that many pictures. We are all so busy, and then again, there’s nothing really to report. It’s all the hecticness of life with a gajillion kids. Earlier this month Ciaran had a Cub Scout meeting. There he worked on creating a scrapbook, one…

It’s a new year. I still have some old pictures. It’s not all older stuff this week though. Here are the shots from Christmas that turned out. Yes, that is a shot of Kyle. He came over on Christmas Eve and spent the night. Ciaran was “Santa’s helper” this year, assisting in the distribution of…

Yes, I know, it’s been a few weeks. Hopefully this will make up for that. I have quite a few pictures so let’s jump into it. Over the last couple of weeks we had (on separate nights) the Winter Concert for the school. One night Déla and August performed with their classes. Unfortunately August is…

I don’t remember exactly which day it was, but Ciaran asked if he could hold Tevye. We knew it wouldn’t be very successful, but Ciaran certainly tried his best and was able to hold him for a moment. Then Tevye started slipping. Of course my initial reaction is to take a picture rather than rush…
The post idea I had for today sounded good in my head, then as I began typing it out it sounded more and more dumb. I couldn’t drag it out to a full post and there wasn’t any interesting angle to spin. Essentially it was about going to the store to get my daughter some…

A packed week full of… well, let’s jump into it. Tevye is starting to sit up on his own now. He’s five and a half months old, has two teeth and smiles a heck of a lot. Saturday saw another gymnastic competition for Déla. This time I got some video. Here’s her vault routine which…

Last weekend was crazy busy. Let’s jump into it, shall we? Friday (after I had posted the week’s photos) saw the penultimate cross country event. The Pumpkin Run, where kids run the mile course with the last stretch of the course lined with pumpkins. After the run kids get to pick a pumpkin to take home…

Cub Scouts started back up again, and this year is the first year Ciaran is able to participate. Only things is, he is unsure about actually participating. At the Pack meeting he was given his first neckerchief as well as a Tiger Cub sticker. Thrilled? Not so much. August, on the other hand, was indeed…

Yes, I’m still behind and I’m going to pack in as much as I can here and try to finally get caught up. I do have to admit this is a better position to be in than having nothing to post. First off you may remember a few weeks ago August got first place within…

Still playing “catch-up” with photos. Next week will also be another one of these types of affairs. At least this one includes sharp objects being flung. Seriously. Two weekends ago, yes, very shortly after Tevye was born, I took August to Webeloree, an event that is done in conjuction with the Boy Scout Camporee, a…