Posts Tagged “Seattle Aquarium”

It is May, but these pictures are all from April. Yes, I am still behind and getting caught up. Buckle up because this is going to be it for April, and it’s not a small update. I was able to make it to one of August’s track meets, getting there literally just in time for…

After Cub Scout resident camp there was a bit of activity in the month of July before we went on vacation to Victoria, B.C. (which will be another blog post coming soon, I promise). One of the things that happened in July was Déla attending a feis, and there are no good pictures from that,…

If nothing else I want to get back into getting these posted every week. Especially when there has been a lot going on. Grace has enjoyed trying on some of Déla’s boots lately. Notice how clean this uniform is? It will never be this clean again. First game of the season and a good base…

I have a major problem with the way our local zoo, the Woodland Park Zoo, conducts its membership. I had a problem when the local zoo and aquarium stopped featuring a joint membership, but that’s not what I want to talk about. Yes, it used to be that a family could pay one fee for…

A heck of a week. It started with Catholic Schools Week which is essentially an “open house” for the school on Sunday. I had planned on getting pictures of all the kids in their various classrooms but an active Tevye prevented that. I was able to get one of them all together at the preschool….

Yesterday I decided to take the kids downtown. Laura is on the other side of the country with our good friend Marianne whose mother dies. That leaves me home alone with the five young kids. Rather than simply sit around the house all day I solicited ideas of what to do. Going to the aquarium…

My kids had last Friday off from school. Instead of a “mid-winter” break they had a 4 day weekend. The following Monday was off, but booked up with an orthodontist appointment (another post coming about that) but what was I going to do about Friday? We went to the Seattle Aquarium. This used to be…

This week the kids were out of school. I tried to do something every day so they didn’t just spend all day in front of the television. Among the things we did are library and two trips to the optometrist to get Ciárán’s glasses fixed.