Posts Tagged “Star Trek DVD”

This post falls in the recent category of my solicitation via Facebook regarding ideas of what to post about. The question “Whatever happened to…” sort of morphed into “What 80″s tv shows you want back and why, were they good , would they hold up to time?” So here I am – what do I…

This month’s GeekĀ Fuel arrived a few days ago and August was really happy with the contents this month. We changed the shirt size from medium to large to allow for some growing room and we are very glad to have made that change this month. Here is a closer look at the purple shell…

I grew up on Star Trek. In the 70s “Star Trek” was popular in syndication. I remember watching “Star Trek: The Animated Series” on Saturday mornings. This was, at the time, epic storytelling with a science fiction setting, and often with some sort of message that was hidden in the action. One of the things…