Posts Tagged “Stories: Path of Destinies”

I like this game. I want that said at the onset of this review. I might have enjoyed it more on the PS4 because it seems this game was specifically developed for a controller, not a mouse and keyboard. My issues with the game have to do with the controls. Before I get into what…

Following up on my previous post, here is the remainder of my time at this year’s Penny Arcade Expo. Saturday I went by myself. I got some time with games and saw friends I hadn’t seen in a long time. I have no pictures from this day, which is a shame. Briefly, though, I want…
Blog, Monk's Blog, Seattle2015 Penny Arcade Expo , bombshell , Doctor Who , Galak-Z , LEGO Dimensions , MekaZoo , Minecraft , Munchkin , Orcs Must Die , Parenting As Child Exploitation , Skylanders Spyro Adventure , Splatoon , Starfox , Stories: Path of Destinies , Superfight