Posts Tagged “Sword Coast Legends”

This is another entry in the ongoing Dungeons & Dragons campaign I am running at home with August and a few of his friends. It is important to remember that I have continued to make gameplay and dungeon adjustments for the age and experience of the group since this is the first time playing for…

As I looked at the next chapter for the Lost Mine Of Phandelver from the Starter Set, I noticed it mentioned players should be at level 4 by this point in the adventure. The problem is, most of the players are smack in the middle of level 3. What to do? A recent announcement from Wizards…

As with the other posts in this series there are spoilers for the adventure contained in the Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set. I probably should have had a disclaimer in the last post, but there weren’t many spoilers in that chapter, but for this one, well… When last our adventurers gathered they had a lead…

Wizards Of The Coast has released the Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide for Dungeon’s & Dragons, a fantastic resource that all players should pick up if they are adventuring through the officially released game materials such as the Starter Set or the adventure books such as Hoard Of The Dragon Queen or Out Of The Abyss….

I am struggling with exactly the right tone to strike for this review. On one hand Sword Coast Legends is an incredibly fun game to play. That is perhaps the most important factor. On the other hand, and this bothers me greatly, Sword Coast Legends is not as true to the Dungeons & Dragons rules…

I can’t believe they split the party up again. One of the things I like about Dungeons & Dragons is the ability to shape and mold the adventure into the needs of the party and players behind them. For the introductory adventure in the Starter Set I have smoothed out and streamlined some of the…

The following contains some spoilers for the Lost Mine Of Phandelver adventure included in the 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set. Not too many, but enough that as a player you might not want to read this. Interestingly, the players did not learn their lesson with regards to splitting up their party. Well, it…

It has been a while since I played Dungeons & Dragons with any regularity, and even longer since I led a campaign as a dungeon master (or DM). With the new 5th edition rules and my older son showing an interest, this was a perfect time to get back into the game. Because I was…