Posts Tagged “Take Me Down To The Hospital”

The last couple of weeks have been busy, as you might expect a family with 7 kids would be. Xavier continues with his baseball season, birthday season is in full swing, and a lot more going on – much of which just doesn’t get documented. Let’s start with Grace who loves putting other people’s shoes…

Just a couple of pictures this week. This have been crazy, and tomorrow (Saturday) promises to be even crazier – and yes, there will be pictures. In the mean time… Went to get Grace up from nap one day and found her like this. How could I not? Earlier this week I posted a couple…

Yesterday sucked. Oh sure, there were things that went well, like dinner, but overall there are two items that overshadowed the whole day. First, I got locked out of the house. It was the afternoon, Tevye and Grace were down for nap. I was working in the kitchen, cleaning things up, and I went to…

Yesterday was Veteran’s Day. This is a federal holiday, a day off. Both schools were off. Public schools had the day off as well as the kids’ school. This meant everybody would be home and we could enjoy a day off together. Maybe we would get to do something fun. First there were the orthodontist…
You may remember last September when I was admitted to the hospital. (Ha, that auto-corrected to “admired” – bloggers, remember to read and edit your posts before publishing). I was sort of waiting on some event of formal diagnosis to post another follow-up. But there hasn’t been one. Just before Christmas of last year I had…

Last week was Spring Break for the kids. We didn’t get to do much because of three things. First, Laura’s Spring Break does not coincide with the kids – Seattle Public Schools where she works has this week off. Catholic schools are almost always the week after Easter. The second reason is we are still…

Another active week, but the coming weekend will prove to be even more so. St. Patrick’s Day brings plenty of opportunities for my daughter to perform. And I just found out my dad is coming over from Ireland for a couple of weeks. The weather has been really nice lately. A little unseasonably so. I’m…

Let’s take a quick look back over the week, shall we? Friday is swim lesson day. Here we see Xavier, Ciaran and Dela going into the pool. There is also a “blink and you’ll miss it” cameo by August at the beginning of the video. Tevye has begun climbing stairs. Unassisted. Remember earlier this week…
I was reminded Tuesday morning why I like having the doctor we currently see. We have always had a doctor for our kids, but Laura and I have not always been the best about our own medical care. When Kyle came to live with us I was working at Virginia Mason, and I had some…