Posts Tagged “Taylor Swift”
I have mentioned before that I do spin classes. I have also mentioned before that I don’t particularly enjoy them. It’s not the instructor’s fault, or any problem with the studio. It really is my own disposition, along with the disagreement my body seems to have with the process. One of the things that I…

This year’s Penny Arcade Expo was different for me, as I wasn’t on the media list. I purchased tickets when they went on sale and was able to spend more time going to the show with my kids rather than working and trying to see everything for coverage. That said, there are some things I…

Another busy week with a lot going on. We start off while still on vacation in Winthrop. Only our van’s battery died because we accidentally left the cooler plugged in. Whoops. We waited and waited and waited for AAA to come give us a jump start. And waited and waited. We had planned to go…

Saturday we came home from vacation and began unpacking. Part of reason we came back was to get ready for myself and August to leave for Boy Scout camp the next morning, but the primary reason for arriving home at the time we did was to take Déla to her birthday surprise. When it was announced…