Posts Tagged “Teeth Teeth Teeth”

This is going to be it, the final entry in my “catch-up” series for the summer. Then it is on to the beginning of the current school year. Grace turned two years old over the summer. While she may not have completely grasped the concepts, she did enjoy herself. And who doesn’t love presents?…

After Cub Scout resident camp there was a bit of activity in the month of July before we went on vacation to Victoria, B.C. (which will be another blog post coming soon, I promise). One of the things that happened in July was Déla attending a feis, and there are no good pictures from that,…

It was a busy week, the first with the kids out of school, but most of the activities in this installment happened over the weekend. First up was Xavier’s final game of the season. Then there was the crossing-over ceremony. Instead of a Blue & Gold banquet in February, which is when a number of…

Strap in, this is going to be a big one. The first seven pictures should have been included with my previous installment. Or at the very least, a “part 2”. Here are Xavier and Tevye working on a robot. The annual Boy Scout Italian Dinner was a big success and both Ciaran and August helped…

No, I’m not taking a break from blogging. Instead I am referring to the inconsistencies with breaks in the school calendar. Let’s take this weekend for example. President’s Day, or Presidents Day, or perhaps Presidents’ Day – choose your preference because I can’t find an official grammatical presentation for the holiday. On the school calendar…

Hey look, it’s almost a regularly scheduled update. Here we are a week or so ago in front of Fred Meyer when the weather was nice. Walking to school one day I saw this ahead of me. Tevye disappeared one morning. I finally found him in his room dressing himself. And both of his legs…

No “last day of school” pictures from me. I do pictures on the first day and I figure that’s good enough. Besides, I’m snapping pictures of the kids all the time. At least, I’m trying to. A couple of weeks ago one of the boys in August’s Boy Scout troop was working on his Eagle…

A couple of big things happened over the last week. I’m glad I have this regular feature on the blog to document them. First up is Easter. The kids were up ridiculously early, especially when compared to how late they were up Baseball 2016the night before. So… much… candy! And for the egg hunt they…

Yesterday was Veteran’s Day. This is a federal holiday, a day off. Both schools were off. Public schools had the day off as well as the kids’ school. This meant everybody would be home and we could enjoy a day off together. Maybe we would get to do something fun. First there were the orthodontist…