Posts Tagged “Teeth Teeth Teeth”

Things just sort of gt out of hand last week and I wound up not getting around to posting my usual Friday pictures last week. There are quite a few to jump into. A couple of weekends ago there was another cross country meet. This featured, once again, the whole of the school. And some…

Picking up from last week when we were in vacation here are me and the kids in a dune buggy in the Oregon Sand Dunes National Recreation Area. The following day, our final full day of our Oregon vacation we went down to Yaquina Head. There is a cool lighthouse and natural reserve with some…

I know it has been a couple of weeks. Life has been busy what with school winding down and summer ramping up. One of the things that happened was the big Tara Academy school wide end of year recital. Unfortunately none of the pictures turned out. None of them. I was so disappointed. At least…

Last Saturday was crazy busy. Dela had the Emerald City Feis (Irish dance competition) and August and Ciaran had their Cub Scout pinewood derby – at the same time. Let’s begin with Dela. Unfortunately since I had August and Ciaran (and Xavier and Tevye) this meant Laura was trying to take pictures and video of…

Tevye is teething. Yesterday I felt his third tooth breaking through the gumline. Along with being a few days shy of 7 months old, his sleeping has not been the most solid. This isn’t the first time I have tried to give him infant pain reliever. He hates it. It doesn’t seem to matter much how tricky…

A week ago I mentioned the kids had a long weekend the week previous and Friday we went to the Aquarium. I alluded to other events that would take place the Monday of the long weekend and here are those pictures. Here is August before: and here is August after: Yes, he got his braces…

I missed out last week because I was busy getting ready for Cub Scout Winter Camp, which I will discuss in another blog post. Those pictures, along with pictures from the snow we got, and the ensuing backyard snowball fight, will find their own posts instead of getting incorporated into this series. Here we are…

Ciárán had 8 teeth by the time he was 8 months old. Seriously. It was a little weird. None of our other kids had that many teeth at that time. Now at the age of 6 he’s losing his teeth. Literally. Thursday Ciárán lost a tooth. At school. As in actually lost it in the school’s…
This morning was a bit crazy. The scenario: Laura leaves every day about 6:45 in the morning for work. That leaves me with August (10), Déla (8), Ciárán (6) and Xavier (3) and I have to get them ready for (and to) school by 8:20 when school begins. I say this not as a “woe…
With all of the younger kids in school my mornings have finally opened up. More laundry getting done. More blogging getting done. And now time to visit the dentist. Several years ago one of my molars got infected and needed to get pulled. It was a horrible experience, and one that I’m surprised I can’t…