Posts Tagged “The Trouble With Kyle”
“Step Inside Love” was the theme song to Celia Black’s variety show, and written by Paul McCartney. Never officially recorded by The Beatles , there are a couple of demo versions created by Paul. The first is the general tune, then there’s the second verse (or maybe it’s the first actual verse, just listen and…

Yesterday sucked. Oh sure, there were things that went well, like dinner, but overall there are two items that overshadowed the whole day. First, I got locked out of the house. It was the afternoon, Tevye and Grace were down for nap. I was working in the kitchen, cleaning things up, and I went to…

It’s been only one week. And I’m getting this posted on Friday!! Last week I mentioned how the kids were on spring break and we hit a couple of places, including the zoo, but I was going to have those pictures this week. Here they are, starting with Ciárán and Xavier chilling in the penguin…

Surprisingly, I haven’t taken many pictures the last couple of weeks. Of the pictures that WERE taken, here are the ones that are relevant. Grace is figuring out how to “draw” only usually it’s on the wall. Xavier was the “star” student last week, and needed a picture of his family for his “about me”…

Before I get into the rest of the pictures I want to first highlight one from yesterday and the story behind it. Yesterday I took the boys and Grace to get flu shots while Laura and and Dela were at a (routine, regularly scheduled) school conference. Instead of going to the clinic we normally go…

This was a big week for us. It started off with Grace getting baptized. Marianne made it out for the baptism to act as godmother. The next morning there was a lot of comic reading during breakfast. The last full cross country meet was this past Sunday. Here’s Xavier coming to the finish line. And…

I know, I know…. It has been a few weeks, but not for want of things to post. I am going to start and end this post with two (short) videos. in between will be a big batch of pictures. Strap in. We’ll start off with our toddler in one of the favorite costumes, one…

Surprisingly, only a couple of pictures, despite the Thanksgiving holiday. Earlier this week I caught Tevye “reading”. And yesterday I caught him getting the camera off the table. Kyle came over for Thanksgiving dinner. This was the only good picture from the whole evening. Every other one was blurry because either people or the camera…
A tough parenting decision once involved Green Day. I will get to that in a moment. Like so many others, I was introduced to Green Day through their single “Longview” and I kind of liked it, especially the bass line. What I was more interested in was how the rest of the album sounded. It wasn’t…