Posts Tagged “The Trouble With Kyle”

There’s a lot to recap in pictures this week. Let’s jump right in. Last Friday Kyle came over for a little while in the afternoon. We were all happy to see him, and seems to be doing well. Later that day Ciaran’s Cub Scout den visited the local fire station. I should have that post…

It’s a new year. I still have some old pictures. It’s not all older stuff this week though. Here are the shots from Christmas that turned out. Yes, that is a shot of Kyle. He came over on Christmas Eve and spent the night. Ciaran was “Santa’s helper” this year, assisting in the distribution of…

Remember a couple of weeks ago when I talked about how a shirt we ordered had not arrived in time for Christmas? Well, it finally arrived, but that’s not the end of it.

I have used “Please Mr. Postman” before in 2013 but it is highly appropriate again this year. There is a new blog post, but I will re-use the blog title and song summary. Last year I used the stereo version of the song. This year I feature the mono. Listen and compare if that is your thing….

I got a phone call from Kyle Friday afternoon. He was out looking at places to rent, trying to move out from our house. It’s been just about a year and a half since he moved back in with us, and it took him almost a full year to start steady employment. The good news…
What a year it has been. You’ve had a rough year of it. Turning 21 is supposed to be a milestone, a sort of arbitrary signalling of full adulthood. Boy did that not work out. Let’s not get too much into the whole “college” issue. Having to move out and find your own place as…
So I’m watching The Pirate Fairy (for review) and working on some other stuff when my oldest (21 years old) comes up from his hidey-hole in the basement. He asks what I’m watching and I tell him it’s the latest Tinker Bell movie and he scoffs. His reaction was “So you’re stuck pretty much reviewing…

Nope. No pictures of Thanksgiving. Remember when I posted about Déla’s gymnastics championship? This week the next quarter of gymnastics started up and the final standings were posted. Her team tied for first, but for some reason was awarded second place. Note some of those great team names. Also this week at gymnastics Xavier was…
Every other Saturday we have pizza for dinner. Sometimes more often, but pretty much every two weeks. The logistics of why this is are not relevant to the story. A few slices were left over and I individually wrapped two of them up in aluminium foil for August to take to school. He’s the only…