Posts Tagged “Wonder Woman”

It took a while for this one to arrive, but it finally came. Here is a closer look at the individual items. The big Rocket Raccoon figure and the reason the box was as large as it was this month. Luggage tag themed to Back To The Future. A pin based on The Justice League…

A few days ago August’s monthly Geek Fuel box arrived. While some of the months have been pretty hit-or-miss, this one contained some of the best surprises. First up was the Geek Fuel mascot as a pin that resembles a certain iconic archaeologist. Then there was the Guardian Of The Galaxy socks. The mugs were…

Alright, so the title may be a bit misleading, and I’m sure somebody has already written or can write about this topic more eloquently and with better research than myself, but hear me out. This has been bothering me for a while. Diversity within the super hero cinematic universe has been pretty scant. For purposes…