Posts Tagged “Woodland Park Zoo”

It is May, but these pictures are all from April. Yes, I am still behind and getting caught up. Buckle up because this is going to be it for April, and it’s not a small update. I was able to make it to one of August’s track meets, getting there literally just in time for…

I know it’s been a while. I’m not even going to bother with why. Let’s just get into it. Let’s start with Grace enjoying a nice bubble bath. Next we have Dela doing her family history project. Not in the picture here are a number of other props that are behind Dela or just out…

While I posted the first day of school pictures, I have been lax with pretty much everything since, including both cross country and soccer seasons. I have a couple of posts to get an overview of how things have been going. Here is Grace having a snack in the middle of the kitchen. Note the…

Shut up, I know this isn’t going up on a Friday. Life happens. Let’s start with a few of the last pictures I’m going to share from the Washington D.C. trip. Here is August at Monticello next to a stature of “Tommy Jeff” (as the kids were saying). At the University of Virginia they have…

It’s been only one week. And I’m getting this posted on Friday!! Last week I mentioned how the kids were on spring break and we hit a couple of places, including the zoo, but I was going to have those pictures this week. Here they are, starting with Ciárán and Xavier chilling in the penguin…

The “best laid plans” and all that. This summer has been so ridiculously busy, and you can tell partly because I haven’t updated much. If you follow me on Facebook you have *some* idea of what has been going on, but let’s head back a few months to when school got out. Yes, it’s been…

Following up on my blog post from last week regarding my family’s membership at the Woodland Park Zoo, I received a phone call from the membership department. Honestly, I did not expect one, but was not terribly surprised. I spoke with the membership customer coordinator and we spent a fair amount of time on the…